Exponentieller Zerfall - Einführung
· One min read
Der Einstieg ins Thema Exponentieller Zerfall und Exponentialfunktionen kann hübsch mit dem Prozess des Abkühlens von Kaffee veranschaulicht werden.
Der Einstieg ins Thema Exponentieller Zerfall und Exponentialfunktionen kann hübsch mit dem Prozess des Abkühlens von Kaffee veranschaulicht werden.
Quickly committing the last change, push and run out the door to the trainstation... Out in the real world, i'm not worried anymore about the build state - i know what i did and for sure i did not made any mistake... 🫣
Today i wanted to move all the title:
fields from the frontmatter to the markdown content (since docusaurus knows how to do this...).
I use drone ci to build and deploy my github pages. Like that i don't have to wait for a free github runner and have a more or less constant build time. My initial Pipeline had three stages: