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Transform Docusaurus Frontmatter

· One min read

Today i wanted to move all the title: fields from the frontmatter to the markdown content (since docusaurus knows how to do this...).


title: Transform Docusaurus Frontmatter
tags: [docusaurus]
image: ./images/search-and-replace.png

Today i wanted to move all the...


tags: [docusaurus]
image: ./images/search-and-replace.png

# Transform Docusaurus Frontmatter

Today i wanted to move all the...

Since i had a lot of files to transform, i wanted to use "Search & Replace". I came up with the following Search Pattern in VS-Code:

title: (.*)

# $1

Add new field to existing sidebar_custom_props​


( .+\r?\n)+?((.*\r?\n)+?)?---


$3 foo: bar